Figure 1.1

I will start by explaining the two most common representations of the Hooligan. First, and perhaps most widely known, is the crazy football (as in soccer) fan; what I will call a Type-1 Hooligan. This group has a violent and uncontrolled manner of fighting which involves the breaching of security fencing, annihilation of event security, and eventual confrontation of rival factions. Though this sounds more like the routine of a Pillager, I argue that they are Warriors. This is simply because they fight for nothing other than the spirit and support of their team (and perhaps slightly because of beer). Their dress is most often a shirtless painted torso, painted face, and jeans or warm-up pants. Ocassional accesories may include flags draped over the shoulder and/or a pint of beer in a plastic cup (see figure 1.1).
Figure 1.2

Continuing on, I will now explain what I call a Type-2 Hooligan (figure 1.2). These Hooligans are most often Irish men between the ages of 12 and 36. Their behaviors include bar fighting, breaking windows with rocks or bricks, theft, bullying, impregnation of girlfriends at inappropriate times, and boxing. Their dress generally consists of dirty jeans or wool pants, grey sweaters and turtlenecks, pierced ears (left ones only), and scarred eyebrows. Footwear varies between combat boots (or very high Doc Martins), converse high tops, and old running shoes. Hats are either skullcaps (a.k.a. beanies) or newsboy caps.
Now here is an interesting thought. This group of hooligans is, in my opinion, a class of Pillager. This is because they act out of greed and general maliciousness. At no time do they commit an altruistic act (unless they are sucking up to someone such as a parent or teacher to get away with a minor crime). This brings me to my next point: I believe altruism is a key factor in the analysis of Warriors and Pillagers. I challenge anyone to think of a Pillager that acts in an altruistic manner, or vice versa.
So to sum up my entry, here is a simple breakdown of my argument…
1. There are two subcategories of Hooligans: Type 1 and Type 2.
2. Type 1 Hooligans are Warriors and Type 2 Hooligans are Pillagers.
3. Within the larger category of Hooligan we find both Warrior and Pillager.
4. Altruism may be a universal factor in the distinction between Warrior and Pillager.
Is this simply a case of two groups who incorrectly share a name? Or do people refer to both groups by the same name because the line between Warrior and Pillager is so faint in this circumstance? And, could this be because they do not view altruism as an important factor in the distinction between Warrior and Pillager?
- T Henry Barth
Some after thoughts...
Shortly after writing this I had some thoughts regarding similarities between Type-1 and Type-2 Hooligans that could possibly be the cause of their pairing.
1. They share much of the same weaponry, such as small pipes or rods, bricks, brass knuckles, and molotov cocktails.
2. Along with their weaponry, fighting tactics also appear similar: throwing rocks and bricks from afar before initiating hand to hand combat, above average boxing skills, and the habit of kicking opponents in the teeth when they are down.
3. Both share a love of Football (soccer).
4. More often than not, they are Irish or from the outskirts of London.
Perhaps these similarities overshadow the true distinction between Type-1 and Type-2 Hooligans; altruistic motive.
sounds a lot like crazy protesters in france in the 60's. mostly the moltov cocktails. do they count? and what about just plain old rebellous youth? aren't they often described as hooligans as well?
Interesting point. I have a friendly to add to your statement. Altruism is a very interesting factor, however, I think that we need to be more specific. The Pillager is not completely selfish in the literal definition of the word, because they are extremely loyal to the person that they are fighting with (with the occasional mutiny for a pirate). But type 2 Hooligans usually have grown up with their friends since they were infants, and they are devoted to them as much as they are themselves. So I feel that Pillagers may be alturistic to themselves or to a group.
However, the type 1 Hooligan, being a warrior, is fighting for something that is other than themselves, often an intangible. An example would be the football team and lost love (i.e. Ninja case study 1). Just further clarification and insight into your comment.
I think one could find hooligans in the United States all the way back to the old west, when Irish immigrants began migrating to boom towns in search of the American Dream. You see, there were many a recorded instance of a shopkeeper shoo-ing away young lads who were loitering in front of the shop. These lads often smoked corn-pipes and played games such as knife-dropping between toes, pocket knife fighting, common brawls, chasing vagrant dogs, harrasing the local female populace, and taunting the overwieght people of the town by snatching items and running away snarling vicious slanders. All of this noted historical evidence backs up Eve's proposition that hooligans can be common youth.
first of all, I would like to say:
Bravo Trey, never have I seen such a thorough and accurate analysis of the two tropic (trope-like)characters known as hooligans.
second, Trey hits a very important point with the notion of Altruism being a determining factor...but as Blake pointed out, there are holes in simply stating altruism is at the foundation.
I didnt know how long it would take us to get here, but Im sure we all saw it coming.
This discussion is inevitably one on morality and ethics. One which I would posit cannot be agreed on without a certain level of simplification, or limiting factors.
I do not know how to proceed.
I think both just starved for attention growing up.Both probably should have been spanked when they were little.
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