I have come up with an interesting question. In my quest to find out a true example of "The Cross-Over Situation." My initial example of a cross over would be Saruman, from The Lord of the Rings. He was initially a powerful wizard that was Cheif of all the wizards in Middle Earth. He was a fair leader, and a powerful wizard. Certainly a warrior. He developed an obsession with the one ring that was forged by the Dark Lord, and when he heard of its possible resurgence, began to build an army to pillage all of the surrounding areas to find the ring, or any information about the ring. When I say pillage, I mean that he destroyed parts of Fangorn Forrest, and burned villages in Rohan. His mind was perverted by the ring, and he lost his original focus for his role as the White Wizard (which was a position that Gandalf "Mithrander" Stormcrow had to take). My thought is this...did he turn into a pillager even though he was brought up as a warrior?
Further inspection of this matter gave me much trouble. The criminal "Mater Mind" if you will, takes a back seat approach, and can be trained like a warrior...however, they are driven by typical motives that would require a Pillaging fighting style and life style.
Also, what is to become of the millitary man that becomes a criminal for hire? He had formal training and was once a true warrior, but now...he scavenges for an extra buck. Can there be some morality to the fighting style/life style...or is Saruman still a warrior, despite his motives and actions later in his wasted life?
1 comment:
First off, I would like to say nice research, sir! Very well done.
I think your description of a crossover situation is a good one. And now I am most sure that this is very possible, and in actuality occurs frequently.
However, I am at a loss for examples of pillagers becoming warriors. Can anyone think of one?
As far as the warrior-to-pillager transformation, I can easily see how this happens. Some call it greed, others call it corruption, while some even go as far as to say it is a matter of barter involving your soul and The Devil. Of course, there are other circumstances; too many to list in fact.
But I wonder if your question is something slightly different. And if it is not, then my apologies. Perhaps you were originally asking about a crossover situation that is only temporary. In other words, are there any situations where a pillager becomes a warrior for only a particular battle, then returns to a pillager?
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