Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Master Mind

I have come up with an interesting question. In my quest to find out a true example of "The Cross-Over Situation." My initial example of a cross over would be Saruman, from The Lord of the Rings. He was initially a powerful wizard that was Cheif of all the wizards in Middle Earth. He was a fair leader, and a powerful wizard. Certainly a warrior. He developed an obsession with the one ring that was forged by the Dark Lord, and when he heard of its possible resurgence, began to build an army to pillage all of the surrounding areas to find the ring, or any information about the ring. When I say pillage, I mean that he destroyed parts of Fangorn Forrest, and burned villages in Rohan. His mind was perverted by the ring, and he lost his original focus for his role as the White Wizard (which was a position that Gandalf "Mithrander" Stormcrow had to take). My thought is this...did he turn into a pillager even though he was brought up as a warrior?
Further inspection of this matter gave me much trouble. The criminal "Mater Mind" if you will, takes a back seat approach, and can be trained like a warrior...however, they are driven by typical motives that would require a Pillaging fighting style and life style.
Also, what is to become of the millitary man that becomes a criminal for hire? He had formal training and was once a true warrior, but now...he scavenges for an extra buck. Can there be some morality to the fighting style/life style...or is Saruman still a warrior, despite his motives and actions later in his wasted life?
Monday, October 22, 2007
GENGHIS KHAN - Best medley
Big Question Sereis #1
Why can the warrior both be a warrior and pillage during the act of war (like Genghis Kahn and his warriors) and can a warrior that pillages pillage enough to the point where he is no longer a warrior but a pillager?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What about Robin Hood?
The Cross-Over Situation
There are some situations where a pillager can cross over to a warrior, and visa versa, however this site goes to show (in my opinion) that there are no situations where someone can be both at the same time. There is a neutral situation, where someone can be neither a warrior or a pillager. These are the only three possible categories.
Take the Ewoks. They were neutral, but were forced to become warriors. Let's hope they don't decide to pillage, because anyone that can take down the Emperial assult scares me. They have strength in numbers...much like zombies.
Take the Ewoks. They were neutral, but were forced to become warriors. Let's hope they don't decide to pillage, because anyone that can take down the Emperial assult scares me. They have strength in numbers...much like zombies.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What about Prospectors?

Prospectors show attributes of both categories. They are smart, sneaky, sly, and skilled like warriors. However, they are also crazed, lustful, angry at the world, infected with gold lust, and destroy everything in their path. Prospectors are more complex characters then you thought!
-Peter "Ol' Pete" Barth
Welcome to Warrior vs. Pillager

The purpose of this blog is to provide a space for the now classic debate of Pirate vs. Ninja (started by Trey Barth and Blake Michelson about 6 years ago, seriously). However, our goal is not to continue the sophomoric argument of whether a Pirate or a Ninja would win in a fight, but to expand on the theory; to raise the dialogue to a new level that questions the very nature of warfare, survival, and existence as we know it.
To explain further, Blake and I have decided that pirates and ninjas fall into two larger, more encompassing categories: Warriors and Pillagers. Warriors, spearheaded by the Ninja, encompass any type of fighter who is tactically trained, methodical, and follows (to some degree) a higher order of justice, honor, or dedication to a greater entity. Pillagers, flagshipped by Pirates, include any person/creature/animal that is not trained through method and order, but through blood, rage, greed, infections, etc.
As an example, I will demonstrate a simple and brief classification; Robots and most Aliens are Warriors, Ghouls and Bandits are Pillagers.
People who become authors on this page are also allowed, and encouraged, to establish examples of new Warriors and Pillagers by posting pictures/videos, giving descriptions and facts, and classifying said individual.
And now to start off the discussions...
Are sharks Warriors or Pillagers?

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